O projektu
Increasing the solar energy production capacity of educational institutions in Varaždin County
About project
Applicant Varaždin County has included in the project buildings of 12 educational institutions (primary and secondary schools) throughout Varaždin County as pilot sites. It is the founder of these schools. According to the data of the School eRudnik database of MZO in the school year 2022/23. these schools are attended by about 6,000 students.
The schools:
1. OŠ grofa Janka Draškovića Klenovnik, 2. OŠ Gustav Krklec Maruševec, 3. OŠ Ivana Kukuljevića Sakcinskog Ivanec, 4. OŠ Ludbreg, 5. OŠ Petri- janec, 6. OŠ Sveti Đurđ, 7. OŠ Trnovec, 8. OŠ Vinica, 9. Elektrostrojarska škola Varaž- din, 10. Gospodarska škola Varaždin, 11. OŠ Sračinec , 12. Strojarska i prometna škola Varaždin. The construction of new photovoltaic power plants for own consumption of 25 kW will take place in 8 locations (primary schools in Klenovnik, Maruševec, Ivanec, Ludbreg, Petrijanec, Sveti Đurđ, Trnovec and Vinica) while on the four remaining lo- cations (Elektrostrojarska škola, Gospodarska škola Varaždin, OŠ Sračinec, Strojar- ska i prometna škola Varaždin) existing photovoltaic power plants for own consump- tion will be upgraded by increasing existing capacities from 10 kW to 35 kW.
Most installed capacities for electricity production in the Republic of Croatia are still hydroelectric power plants, of which 3 (HPP Varaždin, HPP Čako- vec and HPP Dubrava) are situated on the Drava River, which flows through Varaždin County. In the context of electricity production, it is important to note that the opera- tion of all 3 HPPs is controlled remotely from the center in Varaždin, which increases electricity production by optimizing water consumption. However, more than 50% of electricity is produced in hydropower plants. Therefore, its production in Croatia significantly depends on hydrological conditions that can be unfavorable for a longer period (e.g year 2017). In general, Croatia is an importer of electricity, accounting for about 30% of total consumption. In recent years, especially since the declaration of the pandemic caused by COVID 19, the need to rely on domestic resources and reduce dependence on energy imports has come to the fore, including energy pro- duction from RES and the obligation to meet the European Green Plan as a center of economic recovery after the pandemic since clean renewable energy has been identified as a tool for economic, environmental and social progress in the EU. Production from other RES is on the rise, mostly from wind power. Croatia has sufficient RES potential in the form of hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal and biomass to meet its electricity needs while sustainably using resources and space and implementing environmental protection measures.
Interventions at all pilot locations include works on electrical installations, i.e. instal- lation of cellular voltage modules mounted on the structure installed on the roofs of the buildings in question, installation of measuring equipment and other necessary elements, necessary measurements and tests, and finally, putting into operation. Technical documentation was prepared for all 12 pilot projects (Preliminary and Main projects, Analysis of the Statics), Electricity approvals were obtained and we also paid 50% of the connection fee (the entire amount was paid for one Primary school). Basis of this project is the founding relationship of Varaždin County and the institu- tions on whose roofs FE are installed.
As the founder, Varazdin County is obliged to provide financial resources in its budget of investment maintenance of primary and secondary schools. For each calendar year, the “Decision on Criteria and Manner of Financing the Minimum Financial Standard of Public Needs in Primary and Secondary Education…” is issued by the Government of the Republic of Croatia. The County is also obliged to find alternative sources of funding for projects such as energy efficiency, capacity building, raising the quality of educational infrastructure (a combination of funding from EU and funds and/or programs, national public calls and own co-financing). In this way, in the past three years, as many as 22 school buildings founded by Varaždin County have been energy renovated, and in most of them some type of RES (heat pumps, FPP or both) has been incorporated.